Free Time
I enjoyed today. Got to hang out with 2 of my favorite ladies,Vaew and Jenny.
Watched some "Sympathy for Mr. Vengence". Now, after a couple of "Changers" and some green snacks from Lao I am calling it a night...
I wish there was a 7-11 nearby.
Gotta love products with busted engrishfor a good laugh. But its the Thai flavored Lays that I am addicted to the most.
I have been having a great time with FireFox-2.0 (If you are reading this there is no excuse for not using this browser) and messing around with the add-ons.
I wish this was one of them *super neat*, but I have my Nintendo DS to keep my happy for now.
My current state of mind lets me be entertained by things like thisプチプチ for over a half hour-*manic mode?
Have alot of things to take care of the next few days and some travel to do, Cambodia? Actually Im too tired/sleepy to finish this blog entry tonight. Will touch it up later...
[edit] so yeah. I get to write more. Had a few
beers at J's new apartment. Beer in the freezer gonna go get it hold on...Still not cold. I rode my board today, not gonna be in any Spike Jonze flicks anytime soon but dodging traffic is always fun.
I should add Mel
as another female that I can get along with. She listens to Kool Keith, and spends hours pimpn changes to her Myspace profile, so I sweat her.
Got a copy of "Lost" season 2 DVD set so...good night
dammit i envy you che. how did we come from the same place, but you ended up with your carefree lifestyle and i'm working my broke ass off?? oh and thanks for getting me addicted to some virtual bubble wrap, as if the moveable letters weren't bad enough.
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