Sunday, October 22, 2006


Stayed at home all day today and watched a few hours of "The Shield".
Good thing about living so close to Burma is that I can find TONS of DVDs of whole seasons of American TV.
These are real chinese DVD runs so the packaging and quality is perfect.I was told that actually they are printed illegaly by factory workers after the factory closes for the day, and sold as a black market item because they are un-accounted for.
Trying not to go and play DotA. Trying not to go play DotA...Besides the fact that I have been known to play this game online non stop for 25 hours straight, I just figured out that I have put almost 2,000hours of my life into Warcraft III and its mod from hell.
Im really scared what would happen if I got a hold of World of Warcraft.(How Warcraft Really Does Wreck Lives) It was never
localized for release in Thailand, so my life has been spared for now.
Oh yeah about the photo. I am a big fan of fermented soy beans, aka, Nattou.
They smell like stinky socks and have long sticky spider like threads that hold them together. I ate them by neccesity in Japan, but ending up loving them so much! I was low on cash and the cheapest breakfast at

was Nattou, a bowl of rice, and miso soup for about 1.25$US. I turned my dad on to them too, but most of my non Japanese friends cant stand the stuff. Next time you go to a Sushi bar try a Nattou-Maki (fermented soy bean hand roll sushi), you never know you might like the stuff and its super healthy for you.


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